Sunday, November 15, 2015

Sim Acres is Now Bakersfield (World Update/Preview Pics)

Way back in January, I mentioned that I was working on a new world called "Sim Acres." Well, the world is nearly completed. However, it's now called Bakersfield. Sim Acres will be the name of a third world I'm working on.

I've pretty much completed Bakersfield, but it's not quite ready for prime time yet. I'm currently playtesting it to check for lag issues and glitches. While I do, here are some preview pics:


Saturday, November 14, 2015

Create a World Tips and Tricks: Best Practice When Building

When creating a world in CAW, there are tons of tips and tricks you can use to not only help things go faster, but prevent the types of glitches and other problems that can set you back several months. Below are the best tips I have learned over the years, and hopefully will help you avoid problems when you build your world.