Monday, August 24, 2020

Pottersvile (WIP): Mini-Update--Will Be Populating World Soon

Hey, everyone--just a mini-update on Pottersville. I've pretty much cleaned the world up and will finally start populating it soon. The process of tweaking and cleaning up took such a long time because Pottersville is a huge world, and I had to go over it several times to make sure that I didn't miss anything. 

In any event, yes, I'm still very much working on it, and will be released soon. It's just a matter of populating, putting in household bios and making sure that all of the lots have street names. 

Pottersville, seaside/beach area.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Pottersville (WIP): Two More New Residential Lots (Motels)

Pottersville's lighthouse is on an island that connects to the mainland. For the longest time, I was thinking of leaving it deserted. But as I was fixing the world, I felt that the area was too nice to leave empty, so I built two more residential lots in a motel style.

The island and lighthouse. The two new motels are in the foreground.

The two motels.

A closeup of the two motels. They each have 7 bedrooms.

By the way, I promise that this is the last time I build anything new in this world. You guys have been waiting long enough!

Monday, August 10, 2020

Pottersville (WIP): Gone Fishing (In-Game Screenshots)

One of the things that I had to go back in and fix while cleaning up Pottersville were the shorelines. There will be lots of places to fish there, so it was very important that the shorelines were sculpted correctly and the routing around them were in working order before putting in fish spawners. Below, you can see what a mess some of them were before tweaking. Sims were standing in weird places, and areas didn't look properly sculpted:


Now, after a lot of sculpting and routing paint, everything looks better and I can finally place my fish spawners. Below are the main areas your sims will enjoy in the upcoming future:

Area One:

This is a very large lake in the "grungy" side of town. I deliberately made it gunky, because this is supposed to be the run down part of Pottersville.

 Area Two:

An ocean shoreline near the lake above, which sims can either run to or get to via water taxi (if you have Island Paradise installed).

Area Three:

This is an ocean shoreline that lies right outside Pottersville, near the entertainment district and Plumbob Studios backlot. I placed some sea gulls and wave effects out here, so everything sounds very calm and soothing.


I have a lot of other fishing areas in and around Pottersville, but I'm keeping them a secret so I don't give away too much. After all, part of the fun in trying out a new world is exploring it, and Pottersville wouldn't be much fun if you saw every inch of it beforehand!

Friday, August 7, 2020

Pottersville (WIP): More Cleaning Up, Tweaking, etc.

Yesterday, I had an update showing all the various tedious things I'm now in the process of adding to Pottersville to make it feel more polished and complete. But then Blogger's new updated software got stupid, so I wasn't able to post screenshots. Now here I am again, wrestling with this new and "improved" version of Blogger (*cough*). In the off-chance that I'm not posting fast enough on this blog, you can check out my Tumblr, where posting screenshots is so much easier.

Area awaiting completion in terms of landscaping.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Pottersville (WIP): Tweaking World, Before and After Shots

This weekend, I've been looking for glitches, errors, etc. as I play test. I've also been seeing how I can tweak the world in terms of landscaping, because some areas still looked kind of dead or unfinished to me. Below, I will post some below and after shots to show how adding trees, rocks, etc. can go a long way in making any world come alive:

BEFORE: This is a section of the world that I was very unhappy with. It
looked very grey and unfinished to me.