Sunday, September 11, 2016

More Updates from Oceanview Revamp

I am still pretty much knee deep redoing parts of Oceanview to fix some errors and improve the look of the world. Today, I had to go in and replace the global layer, because it was riddled with error objects. If you're working on a world in CAW and find that it keeps crashing while saving or is laggy and slow in gameplay, I highly suggest doing the same. For a tutorial of how to clean your global layer, check out this tutorial at Mod the Sims.

Otherwise, here are some more pics of some of the work I've been doing lately:

Revamped City Hall area
Another pic of City Hall, with new park facing the building
Brewster Terrace
Overview of revamped Downtown area

Friday, September 2, 2016

Pics from Oceanview Revamp (WIP)

Currently, I am working on a revamp of Oceanview because of some nagging issues I've always had with parts of the world. This week, I spent some time to play test it and took some screenshots along the way so you could see some of the revisions I've made:

New park venue in the Downtown area, including a Showtime stage