Thursday, March 31, 2016

Create a World Tips and Tricks: How to Build Apts from Scratch Using Shells from Sims 3 Late Night

Okay, so if you're trying to build a Bridgeport-style world in CAW, you are probably just dying to populate it with the cool apartment buildings you can find there.

One fast and easy way of doing this is to save all the apt buildings in Bridgeport to library, then add them to your world in Edit in Game. But what if you're bored to death of those Bridgeport apartments and want to build apts from scratch using those cool buildings (aka shells)? Simple! In this tutorial, you will learn how to do that in ten steps.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Create a World Tips and Tricks: Fixing The Apartment Building Unclosed Room Glitch

This entry was inspired by a problem I noticed with an apartment building I made in Riverside. There's an annoying bug that can happen when you're building an apartment using a Late Night shell from buydebug. What happens is that a room will behave as if it's still open, even though you closed it on all four side. You can tell something is wrong when you notice sunlight inside of it during the daytime and moonlight during the night (the room will have a bluish tinge to it).

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

More Pictures of Sim Acres (WIP)

I've been working on Sim Acres a lot this past week. Right now, I'm focusing on editing and completing lots and filling out districts, but haven't really done much painting or landscaping yet.

Here are some pictures as this world is shaping up. I'd say it's about 50% done at this point.

Vito's Junkyard

Monday, March 14, 2016

Even More Pictures of Riverside

I've been playing Riverside with even more depth this week, so I figured why not post more pictures?

One of the Valentis at a Simfest

Friday, March 11, 2016

New World: Sim Acres (WIP)

Well, after the release of Riverside, it looks like I've become obsessed with world building--and after I told myself I would never, ever build another world after Oceanview. Silly me!  :-P

In any event, the new world I'm currently working on is Sim Acres, yet another city. I'm building it specifically for my TS1 families that I remade in TS3, and when I populate it, I'll try and include some famous TS1 EA families, including the Pleasants, Mashugas and Roomies.

As you can see from the pictures below, it's fairly underway, about 45% done. I haven't added all the trees and little details yet and only done some minimal painting.

I'm really hoping that I get this world out before the year is over. It's funny...when you're building a world and it's nearly halfway done, you think, "Oh, I'll be done in no time, maybe two months tops!" Then before you know it, it's a year later and you're still rebuilding sections and tweaking everything. I hope that won't be the case for Sim Acres and that it'll be completed by the summer.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

More Pictures of Riverside

Below are more pictures of the new world I've completed, Riverside, which is available at my Sims 3 Studio:

Riverside Live Venue

Riverside (Formerly Bakersfield, Sim Acres) is Now Officially Complete!

Boy, is my face red! For over a year, I've been working on a second world. First it was called Sim Acres, then Bakersfield. Now it has a new name: Riverside. This was literally a last minute, decision, too! I was this close to finalizing the world when I decided to name it after this building called the Riverside Towers. Makes sense, after all, since there's a huge river that divides the city.

Now here is the less than embarrassing news. Riverside, formerly Bakersfield, formerly Sim Acres, is 100% complete and ready to be downloaded. Before you download it, here are some photos to whet your appetite: