Monday, March 30, 2020

WIP (Pottersville): A Little Work on Hacienda Drive

Hacienda Drive is a cul de sac of expensive modernist homes located in the northeastern part of Pottersville. This past week, I spent a lot of time finishing up many of the houses there, which were in various states of completion from months ago:

Aerial of Hacienda Drive

Friday, March 13, 2020

WIP (Pottersville): An Update

For months now, I've been neglecting a part of Pottersville that I was putting off because I just didn't know what to to put there or how to flesh it out. (I didn't even do any terrain painting!) But this week, I finally started working on it. It's an area of the world that leads into the Seaside Townhouse neighborhood and is backed by a large hill that contains a radio tower:

An aerial shot of the area that is finally being worked on.

Friday, March 6, 2020

WIP (Pottersville): Some In-Game Screenshots

I have started to test Pottersville in-game. Last night, I made some screenshots to see how the world looks during times of day. Below are a few of them. Now, keep in mind that the world isn't remotely completed (I still have some terrain painting, objects, landscaping and lots to add). So, if some of the screenshots look a little bare, it's only because some areas are still yet to be completed:

City Hall and Downtown

Sunday, March 1, 2020

WIP (Pottersville): Overview

I've been doing a lot of work in Pottersville this past month, so have some more pics showing an overview of the world. Finally, after so much creator's block, the world is shaping up. I am now in the process of completing the interiors of apartment shells and buildings.