Friday, December 19, 2014

Oceanview: An Overview

Hello, and welcome to the blog, where I hope to post about various projects I've put up at my studio, as well as give various tips and tricks using Create a World. To kick it off, I'll be posting about a world I've been working on for well over two years, Oceanview:

Why did it take me two years? Well, for one, I've taken a lot of hiatuses from The Sims, so every time I went back to CAW, I had to refresh my memory about how to use it. Two, Create a World has a steep learning curve. Three, it takes a lot of time, energy and effort to build a world to completion without any major goof-ups, routing issues and other problems that can mess up an otherwise nice world you made.

Lastly, I had a major setback last year when for some reason or other, the file for Oceanview became corrupted. The good news was that I had an older save file I could use. The bad news is that because it was old, I lost several months-worth of work and had to go back and redo what was lost. I almost gave up on the world for good, but for some reason, I just kept going. And now, a year later, Oceanview is officially complete!

So now, without much further ado, Oceanview-- 

Why "Oceanview" as a Name?
Riverview is my favorite EA-created world, so when I had to come up with a name for it, I decided to call it Oceanview. There's more to the name than just homage, though, because the town is practically surrounded by ocean and has many piers and beaches.

Oceanview Specs
  1. Oceanview is on the largest map available, with a height of 300.
  2. It has 188 lots and is 129 MB total.
  3. It is populated. (YAY!!!)
  4. It has been tagged as a city, so there's no wildlife. 
  5. It's a "hybrid" world, meaning that it's one part suburban, one part rural, one part beach area, one part industrial, one part suburban and one part city.
  6. It needs the following EPs--Late Night, Pets, Ambitions, Generations, Seasons, World Adventures and Showtime
  7. It needs the following world--Riverview
  8. It has a few items from the following SPs, but not too many--Fast Lane, High End Loft Stuff
  9. There is absolutely no CC.
  10. There might be a small handful of store content, but nothing major. I'm talking maybe a painting here or there or a potted plant but not anything from the venues or sets.
Known Issues
  • Because Oceanview is a large world with many families and 187 lots, I really wouldn't recommend it for low end computers. 
  • You might find some of the community lots a little barren. If that's the case, just set some of the community lots to "no visitors" or add more families.
  • There's initial lag when you first open the game as it generates NPCs. I noticed some lag during certain world events (the second day of the season when the Festival Grounds switches over, when aliens visit, etc.), but nothing major.
  • The routing is weird in some of the townhouses. Sometimes the sims will prefer to go through the back instead of the front door. My suggestion is to just lock certain doors so they'll be forced to use the entry you want.
  • The house for the "New Beginnings" family is a little warped. It drives me crazy but I spent so much time building it that I didn't have the heart to start over.
  • In some rare instances, sims will complain about not being able to fish in some areas. Just click on a different spot if it happens. This issue results from the fact that some of the lots are half on land and half on water. Apparently, when you do that, the sims can't fish from the part of the lot that is on water.
  • Some of the snow looks "blocky" in the winter season. 
Link to Oceanview
Okay, that's about it! Below is the file for Oceanview at my Sims 3 Studio.


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